Monday, January 24, 2011

Who says I personify everything I own...? >.>

This is my Tophat, Ozwald. Ozzy is an effeminate gay brit with a penchant for raspberry flavoured chocolate. His "Clothing" (The bits of flash all over him) are constantly changing, but he loves bright shiny things. This photo was taken summer of 2009, about three months after he was given to me.

Meredith is my Ukulele, a Makai Tenor, and I haven't gotten to know her enough yet, except to know that she's a lower-class island girl who works in a colonial household around 1880, and loves to wear a Trumpet Flower in her hair.

Rozalynd is my Violin. She's the second Violin I've had, after Andromeda, who now belongs at Leslie and will soon be given a new name. Rozie is a Proper English Lady who is really a wild Irish girl pulling a con on the English Aristocracy. She's in the middle of a wild love affair with her Sikh bodyguard Jassa Singh, who happens to be---

My guitar. He is strong, cryptic, and silent until you get him singing. Like Meredith, I don't know much about him yet, mostly because I'm not that practised on him yet.

Tess (Short for Tesora Tesla Jones) is my Tattoo machine. She's a 25-year-old artist from San Francisco in the mid-seventies, who took her grandmother's diamond earrings and put one of them through her bottom lip. She gave the other to her girlfriend, with whom she lives.

.... Like I said, I don't personify EVERYTHING, I mean it's not like my Bike (Her name is Kitten)... Er, bad example... Or my piggy bank Thomas... Erm... My Stuffed octopus Kefka... Uh... My sewing machine Eatsneedles... My iPod Aiwë or my computer Sam... Well my boots don't have a name and personality! ....Yet...

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